You can do it

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

How to Start Cleaning Effectively: Strategy

Assuming you have read the basic principle of cleaning, it is time to advance the cleaning process to be more effective.

Although cleaning might sound 'just clean it', it actually takes a simple strategy to carry out the cleaning process.

It cannot be denied that sometimes, we really have no time.. so busy to clean things up, or even so tired so that the stuffs to clean accumulate. An example about this is when you just return to your lovely home from a long journey and you have to unpack all of your belongings.

This strategy or should I say, psychological trick is actually another basic point of cleaning. It is actually this simple: Always start from the hardest part.

Based on my own experience, I always feel satisfied with myself once I have done cleaning the most stressful part. If you have finished cleaning the most difficult or most time-consuming area, you will feel relieved and satisfied. This leads to a more energy to clean the parts which are easier than the first.

It is ok to take rest for a while after you have achieved cleaning the hardest part. But remember to not put off the rest until tomorrow. Let this 'I will not wait to finish things today' be a habit of yours.

Have a nice day

How to Start Cleaning Effectively: Basic Principle

Cleaning has been a part of our life since our childhood. We are used to clean our bedroom or else parents get angry.

Sometimes parents are waiting for us until we have cleaned our bedroom.

This is actually the first and the most important basic principles of cleaning, that is Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.

This basic principle can be applied not only to clean your bedroom, but also cars, houses, clothes. In fact, this basic principle is related to what we call discipline. Without proper discipline, although you realize and have the will to clean it, it is often not done properly.

Apart from cleaning, actually this principle can also be applied to our life, including works, family, study and many more.

Now I'd like to give you a task about what you can do now.
1. I want you to take an empty paper.
2. Then think about things that you have not done, and you know that actually you can finish these things now
3. Write these into the paper.
4. Try to finish as most points as possible today, now.

You can do it.